Monday, 2 September 2013

Fall coming, let's talk about serums!

Serums and skincare in general is my least favorite theme because the results most of the time are so subjective and not apparent.

Nevertheless, since fall is coming and it's the ideal time of the year to talk about products that help our skin recover after sun, sea etc, I'm going to share with you my thoughts on the Caudalie Vinosource SOS Thirst-Quenching Serum and the REN Bio Retinoid Anti-Ageing Concentrate.

My skin (i think) is quite normal (neither dry patches nor oily) but it doesn't feel plump and lively, it is quite dull most of the time and makeup always slides off after a few hours.

So I diagnosed (lol!) that probably it is dehydrated and I wanted a serum that fights dehydration.

Caudalie Vinosource SOS Thirst-Quenching Serum

After reading all the hype and raves about it and finding at €19 at a Greek online pharmacy I decided to give it a try.
It is supposed to offer deep hydration with hyaluronic acid and polyphenols and many more beneficiary ingredients, it goes without saying that it contains no parabens etc.
The consistency is of a watery, milky lotion that gets absorbed in a second so it is perfect for wearing even under makeup. 
It's not a moisturizer though, so you have to wear a separate moisturizer on top.

My thoughts: well, no miracle worker here for me. I didn't see any difference in skin texture or hydration. I 've used up the whole bottle but I can't tell that it actually did something.
I do think though that it would be perfect for combination/oily dehydrated skin because it is so lightweight.
If you have used it  please share your thoughts!

REN Bio Retinoid Anti-Ageing Concentrate

This one was a random choice, I wanted to try an anti ageing serum and happened to have an offer (30% off I think) on REN products so, given that I do like REN products, I decided to give this a try.
It is supposed to combat signs of age like wrinkles, discolorations, etc and to leave the skin smoother, younger looking, brighter and more even toned.
It contains vitamins A and E, Omega 6 and 7 and many other goodies, no parabens etc as well.
It is a facial oil and it does take a while to sink in. It also has a fishy smell, TG it dissipates after application.

My thoughts: no miracle worker here as well BUT I 've been using it for 3 weeks now and definitely see a subtle amelioration: sun spots have slightly faded, skin tone does appear more uniform and bright, my skin does feel supple in the mornings and well nourished in general. 

Out of the two, although they serve different aims, I do prefer the REN one because I do see a slight difference. 

Here are some more photos

Do you have a favorite serum? 

That's it for now, I hope you're all well and thriving!


  1. your post came just in time!I'm looking for a good serum for my dry-normal skin and I was thinking the I might give a try to the ren one!

    1. You could also check Clarins, it's 35% off at Hondos etc and their Hydraquench line is very interesting!

  2. Τον ορό της Caudalie θέλω πολύ να τον δοκιμάσω και μάλλον θα το επισπεύσω! Νομίζω πως η υφή του θα μου αρέσει πολύ! Ελπίζω και το αποτέλεσμά του...

    1. Ναι, έχει πολύ ωραία, λεπτόρευστη υφή. Μην το πάρεις όμως από κανονικό φαρμακείο, online συμφέρει πολύ περισσότερο.

  3. Oh nice, I think I should add that ren one to my wishlist! By the way, I ve been reading some place, that the recommended time for testing out skincare is minimum 6 weeks, basically much longer than we all think! Thank you for the reviews sweetie! Xx

    1. Thanks love, I have been using the Caudalie one everyday since the end of June, so, if it was going to do something it would do it (clean my closet, give me the lottery numbers, anything, lol!)


Thank you!

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