Sunday, 3 June 2012

Monthly Favorites: May

Many products (skincare, haircare, foundation etc) are staple to me so I won't bother you again (you can always read about them here ) so, here are some items that I really enjoyed using this month.

In my shower, strawberry is the scent! One thing I don't get about TBS shower gels is why they don't come with a pump (or why they don't sell one separately) so, I removed the pump from a backup body lotion I have and placed it on the shower gel bottle. Perrrrrfect!

As for perfume, I am head over heels in love with the Jo Malone Sweet Lemon cologne I got at the Estée Lauder bazaar. It's fresh, it's sweet but with an edge, it's there but not in your face, I just love it (and got many compliments wearing it!)

I also used quite a bit of the Vitamin E Face Mist by TBS. It was in the goodies bag that we were given at the TBS bloggers' event (you can read all about it here ). When I return home from work I don't take off my makeup right away, so one spritz of the Face Mist on top gives my skin freshness and hydration. I still love my Mac Fix + but I use this one in the morning, after completing my makeup (and I keep a mini bottle in my purse at all times).

As for makeup, I've been mostly sporting coral/peach cheeks with lips in accordance and minimal eyeshadow. I was up since 6:30 in the morning everyday for work (I'm currently working at another location of my company - well, not MY company but you get the point, lol! - that's on the other side of Athens and I won't return to my basis for another week...) so, I didn't feel like doing much eyeshadow work.

I mostly used the Clarins Coral Tonic and the Tarte Blissful blushes, apart from being really pretty they also survive 11+ hours on my cheeks.

My YSL Glossy Stains have become everyday staples since I got them but this month I mostly used #7 and #12 because they fit into my coral/peach scheme. I also used Morange by Mac, a tiny bit with a lip brush over well moisturizer lips.

Morange, YSL #7 and #12

For eyes, my staple was Nubile paintpot by Mac because it is darker than my skintone so it defines my eyes in a natural, barely there way.

When I felt like putting a little extra on top, I used Pearl #390 by Inglot or Stilife paint by Mac or the champaign color from TBS Moonstone eyeshadow. Just a wash of color, nothing dramatic or complicated.

The rest of my favorites are miscellaneous:

  • Garnier roll on concealer. I have this for some time but now that i'm a tiny bit darker, it suits my skintone better. I really like its thin consistency and the way it feels under my eyes.
  • Bourjois eye brow pencil #4. Although I loved the Fling mechanical eyebrow pencil by Mac, it run out very quickly, so I decided to buy again this old time favorite.
  • Prunella kohl eye pencil by Mac. I use this one everyday on my upper waterline, it's such an intricate color because it's not black, neither brown, nor plum, I really can't describe it.
  • When I felt really adventurous, I used Undercurrent on my lower lash line, a tiny bit of this with Nubile on the lid gives an interesting twist to a nude look.
  • Saunter lip pencil by Mac is the only nude lip color I have and I'm really liking it!
  • Shore Leave is another lip pencil by Mac, this one is pinky-coral and used it quite a bit.
Here are some swatches

That's it for May favorites, June had better be warm because I have some aqua and teals to sport!


  1. Τέλεια τα αγαπημένα σου! =)

  2. Τα καλλυντικά tarte τα πουλάνε και στην Ελλάδα ή τα πήρες από εξωτερικό;

    1. Δυστυχώς δεν τα πουλάνε στην Ελλάδα ούτε ειναι εύκολο να τα βρεις online εκτός απο eBay. Μερικά μπορείς να βρεις και στο nonpareilboutique. Εμένα μου τα έφερε ένας φίλος απο Αμερική.

  3. Τέλεια όλα αλλά εγώ κόλλησα με τον ρουζ της Tarte!!! Δεν τα βρίσκω πουθενά online από που το έχεις πάρει? Πρέπει να μάθω, είναι ζήτημα ζωής και θανάτου! Χαχαχαχαχα!!! Να τα χαρείς όλα σου εύχομαι!! Φιλιά πολλά!!!

    1. Έφτασε το 166 :-D ! Online το έχω δει μόνο στο nonpareilboutique, απο αυτο το site έχω ψωνίσει αρκετές φορές διάφορα πράγματα και έχω μείνει ευχαριστημένη. Κοίταξε και στο eBay, θα έχει σίγουρα!

    2. Σε ευχαριστώ θα το ψάξω!! xx Menia

  4. ταυτιζόμαστε πλήρως! jo malone, tarte... αχ πότε θα τα ξαναψωνίσω....

    1. Τα Jo Malone τα έχω ερωτευτεί, τι υπέροχες μυρωδιές! Στο επόμενο bazaar θα κάνω στοκ (λέμε τώρα, lol!)

  5. to YSL 7 einai iperoxo. alla to vrisko ligo drying. review gia to clarins parakalo..

    1. Τα glossy stains τα φοραω κάθε μέρα όλη μέρα (lol!) οπότε μάλλον τα έχω συνηθίσει! Όσο για το blush της Clarins έχω κάνει review, ρίξε μία ματιά στα tags η στο search (θα σου έβαζα το link αλλα δεν μου κάνει copy paste μέσα σε comment...)


Thank you!

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